Be a team
Be a partner
Be in contact
Be custom
Be red



Sponsorship is more than just money in exchange for advertising space. We bring together what belongs together. Because together, the right partners can move the world – and write authentic stories. Our experts have a knack for finding the right contacts. A nose for the right assets. An eye for the perfect event. Culture or science, sports or social issues, health or the environment – our sponsorship concepts are tailored, credible and sustainable. And that’s just the start for excellent storytelling. This is how we create partnerships that add value. BE A TEAM. BE RED.

Eine rote Pinwand mit weißen Buchstaben. Die Worte darauf. "Whatever it takes". Mit dieser Einstellung steht follow red an Ihrer Seite.
Ein roter Vorhang mit hellen und dunklen Schattierungen.


Like a coach, we make sure that our team fits and plays together perfectly. To achieve this, we are on the pitch right from the start, guiding our clients from the selection of suitable sponsors (assets), through getting to know each other, contract negotiations, branding and the selection of sponsoring tools to the top line-up with the help of

  • fact-based selection processes & targeted concepts,
  • negotiation management and
  • implementation.


In the middle of the game, we provide the necessary drive and create strategies for successful activation. We make sponsorship partnerships stay on the ball and evolve. We score when new stories keep developing the profile of our clients’ brands. We win through

  • ongoing support & accompanying communications work (PR),
  • internal relations as well as
  • side event formats for clients.


In the long term, only those who also evaluate and assess success will win. We use qualitative and quantitative market research concepts to track and evaluate our clients’ sponsorship performance on an ongoing basis. This results in a permanent learning and optimization process with the help of

  • reach measurement & determination of media equivalent values,
  • customer, fan & employee surveys and
  • analyses & documentation.

Be curious
