
Joy shared is joy doubled

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How do we show people in Switzerland and Baden-Württemberg that Ragusa for Friends is the best thing you can share with your friends?

With a Tour de Friends, we were on the road in 19 cities. And with four postal bicycles and an original Citroen HY as a photomobile, we made the core message “Friendship is a CHaracter thing” become alive.

With a bike show, we achieved maximum attention. And we handed out two Ragusa Friends to interested people – one to keep and one to give to friends. For the latter, there were individual photo postcards with a personal message. Five different trading cards with funny quotes to take home extended the campaign to pinboards and room walls at home.
There were also Friends experiences for those at home: via a landing page, they could design a free friendship greeting that landed as a real postcard at the address given – and capture their own moments of sharing. The three most creative sharers won each a Ragusa bicycle.

We took over the strategic consulting and planning, creation and implementation up to accompanying PR measures.

Ragusa for Friends Fotobox
Ragusa for Friends Proben
Ragusa for Friends Truck
Ragusa for Friends Fotobox
Ragusa for Friends Event Promotion
Ragusa for Friends Logo

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