
Rivellution in Baden-Württemberg

Logo Rivella

Whether traffic jam poetry, office attack or guerrilla on Stuttgart’s central square Schlossplatz – Rivella has been providing fresh moments in the city and the region since the beginning of April 2017.

Further, surprising fresh-head actions will follow. For example, urban gardening, parkour and free-running above the city’s rooftops, or readings in the subway. The content is collected at the central campaign hub, which we take care of together with our digital subsidiary agency “veleum gmbh”. In addition, more than 100 influencers are involved, who carry the freshness message with the #frischekoepfe into their community.
We came up with the idea and the planning, and were responsible for content in full service. Films, photos and holistic communication. Offline and online, including support for the Rivella Germany Facebook page. All campaign content is staged with our trained promoters, who act as freshness activists. The movement is growing!

Frische Köpfe für Stuttgart Rivella Demo Aktion
Frische Gesät Rivella Aktion Stuttgart
Rivella Movement Logo
Alle trinken gern Rivella
Alle trinken gern Rivella
Rivella Dose frische Köpfe

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